سنسور غیر تماسی تشخیص نور RGB و نزدیکی APDS-9960

سنسور غیر تماسی تشخیص نور RGB و نزدیکی APDS-9960

مدل: (SEN-00280)
وضعیت: موجود

Description:  This is the CJMCU RGB and Gesture Sensor, a Small Breakout board with a Built-in CJMCU 9960 sensor that offers ambient light and color Measuring, Proximity detection, and Touchless Gesture sensing With this RGB and Gesture Sensor Will you be able to. control a computer, microcontroller, robot, and more with a simple swipe of your hand! This is, in fact, the same sensor that the Samsung Galaxy S5 uses and is probably one of the best gesture sensors on the market for the price.

The CJMCU-9960 is a Serious Little piece of Hardware with Built in UV and IR Blocking Filters, Diodes sensitive to Different four separate directions, and an I 2 C compatible interface For your Convenience we have Broken out the following pins:. VL (optional power to IR LED), GND (Ground), VCC (power to CJMCU-9960 sensor), SDA (I 2 C Data), SCL (I 2 C Clock), and INT (interrupt). Each CJMCU-9960 Also has a detection range of 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 cm).

- Built-in APDS-9960 sensor
- Contact and non-contact detection
- Control the omputer, SCM and robot
- Working voltage: 3.3V    
- Ambient light and RGB color sensor
- Close inspection
- Gesture detection
- Measuring range: 4-8in (10-20CM)
- I2C interfaces (I2C address: 0x39)

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